Download Embedded Pdf From Website

PDF Poster is another user-friendly WordPress plugin to embed PDF files on your website. Using a shortcode, you can add PDF documents in your WordPress posts, pages, widget area, and theme files. Plus, you can add a download button, so people easily get hold of your PDF file. Embed PDF from Google Drive - classic Google Sites Google Drive offers an embeddable preview of PDF files: these instructions tell you how to embed your Google Drive PDF file in your classic Google Site and a video demonstration below.


Embed Any Document WordPress plugin lets you upload and embed your documents easily in your WordPress website without any additional browser plugins like Flash or Acrobat reader. The plugin lets you choose between Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online to display your documents.

Supported file types

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  • Microsoft Word (docx, docm, dotm, dotx)
  • Microsoft Excel (xlsx, xlsb, xls, xlsm)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (pptx, ppsx, ppt, pps, pptm, potm, ppam, potx, ppsm)
  • Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf)
  • Text files (txt)
  • TIFF Images (tif, tiff)
  • Adobe Illustrator (ai)
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (svg)

Key Benefits of Embed Any Document WordPress plugin

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  1. Easy to Upload and Embed. Embed Any Document is integrated seamlessly into the post editor. With a click of ‘Add Document’ button it lets you upload documents directly into media library and embed them.

  2. No 3rd party plugin needed. The plugin uses Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online’s services to display the documents in your website. You will not require any additional browser plugins to view the documents and you can expect maximum compatibility for your documents.

  3. Option to choose the viewer. You can choose between Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online to display your document. If one service is down, you can switch to another easily.

  4. Cross-browser compatibility. The viewers are mobile-ready and cross-browser compatible.

  5. Clean and Minimal UI. Embed Any Document comes with a clean and clutter-free UI.

For more information and instructions visit our website..


Limitations of the plugin

As a plugin that work entirely depend on third-party cloud services (Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online), Embed Any Document has it’s own limitations like not supporting video/audio playback and animations/transitions in the embedded documents. Please read our FAQs for details.

This is an AWSM Project.


Seamlessly embed and display PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents on your WordPress website.


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Embed Any Document


  1. Upload the entire embed-any-documents folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Done.

Upload or link the documents to your site using the ‘Add Document’ button in the Visual editor.


How do I add documents?

Once the plugin is activated you can find ‘Add Document’ button in your WordPress visual editor. Just click on that and follow your heart.

File not found error in my localhost site!

How To Download Embedded Pdf From Website

The viewers (Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online) do not support locally hosted files. Your document has to be available online for the viewers to access.

I have another question that you must add in your FAQ.

Download Embedded Pdf From Websites

Great. Send it to We will answer it as soon as we can.

How To Download Embedded Pdf From Any Website
